Wednesday, June 22, 2011


As the school year comes to a close, I think back to the first day of school and how I felt then. What I find extremely interesting is the difference in the way that I felt about my teachers then and the way I do now. One of my teachers is a middle aged man, who is short and stout, un-married and perhaps had every job there is to have. A lawyer, a disc-jockey, a sharpshooter in the military etc. Probably the hardest history class I've ever been in. Naturally I hated him from the very first day, as I figured he was just a douche. Well he didn't like me very much either and on several occasions he lied about not receiving my work. I learned to bring multiple copies of important assignments around with me. My other teachers for the most part were rather lazy and I was gradelocked in English my whole year :(. Well to summarize what happened is I went from really hating this History teacher to finding out his experience allowed him to teach some pretty interesting lessons. I suppose he was able to see my interest in the class as he got progressively nicer as the year went on. I was able to learn from the class the most out of any others this year. Looking back, that class was easily my favorite of the year.


  1. I know what you mean, I kind of had a teacher like that but the kids broke him over time. He just stopped caring and everyone suffered because of it.

  2. I often times find that the harder my professor is the more opportunity I have to learn. I would take a class above my skill level any day over an introductory spoon fed course.

  3. post more. i like your stories. what are you doing for the summer?

  4. I'm glad you went from hating it to liking the class, I had a similar experience over the last couple years.

  5. I love you man. Like i really, truly love you. <3
