Wednesday, June 1, 2011

In the above video a cat tries to revive its dead friend. Truly a heart breaker and the music really pulls it all together. Personally I love animals and to see something like this kills me, but I thought it should be shared with all of you as you can appreciate any pets that you might have. Having a dog myself, the loyalty he has is unlike anything I have ever seen.  There's something about animals, whether it be a dog, cat, or even a gerbil, that the undying affection shown is unlike anything a human can display.


  1. saddest thing I've ever seen.

    thanks for that tearjerker sir

  2. sorry bro, but i can't even watch that. nice blog, though

  3. This is so sad. I had to stop the vid at 1:20.

  4. very sad especially the ending got me :/almost crying

  5. Aw man. I don't normally care for videos like this but... aw man.

  6. Touching. I've already seen it. Often people are not even that human.

  7. aww how sad ><...they must be really good together

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  8. Sucks man, just a lesson that life can come at you hard.

  9. I couldn't watch the video, because I get ridiculously emotional when it comes to animals.
    That said, I think the thing about animals is that they love unconditionally. Humans say they do, but really humans harbor grudges and pass judgment. Animals won't. But, if you take advantage of their unconditional love and affection, and abuse them, they become ruined animals. It's heartbreaking, really, when you think about it, because animals aren't able to develop a thick skin the way humans can and do.

  10. So sad. I'm gonna go cry. ;(

  11. Super super sad. Oh man.

    Following your blog. But not to see more of that

  12. This video always makes me cry, but then I like it because it shows us that there's more to an animal's psych than we can't just merely categorize according to our opinions.

  13. To sad to watch the whole thing, animals are the best company ever.

  14. I always watch this hoping that the dead one will shows signs of life even though he never does.

  15. damn that video ;//

  16. Sad video, I hate seeing animals in distress. I wonder if they even know what's going on, if they comprehend it.

  17. Just from reading your post and the comments, I can't bring myself to watch it. People often say animals don't have emotional capacity, but this video blatantly disproves that.

  18. I've seen this video a few times. It's absolutely heart-wrenching. I dare not watch it again :(

  19. Man that sucks...Followed and clicked. Please do the same!

  20. This video is hard to watch =/

  21. This is one of the saddest things I've ever seen :'(

  22. Seriously, saddest video ever...

  23. So sad, its really sad that alot fo native animals (inc most birds) dies in pairs on the road, when one dies, the mate usually stays with it for some time, often getting hit by a car itself in the process.

  24. i had to watch it i could let all the tears out . so sad.

  25. I remember the first time I saw this video. Kinda reminds me that we're not too different from one another.

  26. wow that is sad. Thank you for sharing this to remind us the appreciation we should have for animals.

  27. This right here is proof that animals have feelings too... =/

  28. Awww, thats so sad :'( Poor guy, I can feel for him. definitely the most saddest blog i've seen in days.

  29. Great now I got dust in my eye.

  30. Thats so incredibly sad. Oh man
