Sunday, May 29, 2011


Sam slowly turned to his side as he heard the droning of his alarm clock break the silence of his dark room.  Rolling up the shades, Sam was forced to squint as the morning light engulfed his room. Sam heard the pipes whine as his father turned on the shower in the room next to his. Sam turned to face his digital clock. It read 5:00 AM, leaving Sam with two hours before his parents would come to ‘wake’ him.  Sam quickly dressed himself, making no more noise than the smallest susurration. Sam opened his door in a covert fashion, and quietly slipped downstairs. Stepping over the unmoving dog, seemingly impervious to anything around him, Sam quietly departed from his house. He quickly hopped over the fence dividing his neighbors house and his, and took a longing glance at the specious BMW M5 sitting in the driveway.  A mouse scuttered across Sam’s feet, breaking his trance.  Sam reached down and grabbed a small rock, and tossed it up at the dark window. After several seconds, a light turned on and Sam heard a strident bang as Archer rolled out of bed onto the floor. Not long after the window slid open, Archer, grinning with embullience gracefully dropped from his window the dew sodden grass. Rolling his eyes Sam turned and walked towards the street, unable to gesticulate his amusement initiated by his goofy friend. 

As they turned onto the street, they both flipped their hoods over their heads as to conceal their identities. Moving more quietly than a panther stalking its prey, the two boys weaved through backyards and slipped over fences as if they weren’t there. As they arrived to pick up the third member of their crew, they noticed something was askew. There was the sound of a ringing phone in the distance. After approximately half a minute, there was a click and the noise was no more. The cessation of the ringing was Kobin, a small, built boy with dark hair.  He smiled, almost diffidently, but if you knew him you’d know Kobin is not one to doubt himself.  Walking over to greet the boys he was tacitly greeted, with a head nod from each Sam and Archer.  Archer checked his watch, “5:20” he informed his friends. Archer nodded and inquired “So, where are we off to?”. “To the village” Sam replied furtively. All of the boys were known to go on errant journeys, yet never seemed to get in trouble. If any of the boys get caught, they would be plagued with mortification for weeks after the incident, and receive derisive  insults from those who did not get caught for weeks. The thing about these three boys is they do not make mistakes. While such a thing is impossible to say for most, these boys have been in control of all things around them for as long as they could remember. For that reason, the ululation of a police siren wouldn’t so much as make these boys flinch if they were in a bank with their pockets stuffed with another man’s money. Of course, these boys are not thieves or bandits. There is no saying what they are, for it is not good, nor bad. Regardless, these boys were on a journey. They squeezed through a hiatus in the fence and trudged by a church embossed with looked like what was gold. The sounds of matins floated through the open doors, and the boys caught a glance of the precentor placing a festoon next to the motif on the back wall of the church. “A little early to be immured inside of a church, don’t ya think?” Kobin asked the boys. Sam shrugged and was about to reply as a strident shriek came from behind them. Startled they turned the corner into an alley way and picked up their pace. The vissitude in their speed probably was not necessary, but as I said before, these boys do not make mistakes, and it must have been for a reason. The boys followed Sam to the center of the village, a tall clock tower. Sam opened the door and glanced towards Archer and Kobin. Archer opened his mouth as if to rebuke, but he must have changed his mind as he stepped inside. Archer derisively shook his head and followed after Kobin. As the boys made it to the top of the tower, they must’ve wondered what was at the top of this levaithon, because Archer asked “Sam, what on earth are you doing, taking us up here with all of these cameras?”. Sam glanced down thinking of a witty recrimination and having thought of nothing, he replied, “you’ll see”.  Finally, the iron door came into view, and Sam gently pried the door open. As he opened it a wave of cold slapped the boy’s faces, and they stepped out onto the roof. From the roof of this building, it appeared they were looking down upon stick figures, and toy cars. Outside of the coffee shop stood four police officers, over by the supermarket there was a small lady standing outside. At 5:45 AM the village was busier than one would think, yet the boys were paying attention to none of this. Sam grinned smugly, while Archer and Kobin stared with open mouths, having realized the opportunity that awaits them down below.  


  1. Wow, did you write this? Will there be a second part?

  2. I wrote it for English class its due in a few days hehe but I'm not sure yet, quite possibly.

  3. very cool pic, did you thake it?

  4. im afraid i didnt take the picture i actually just grabbed it off google images but i should really credit the photographer...i will go do that

  5. Overall well written, but it seemed like you were purposely framing things around a 5 dollar word in some cases - however now that I see it's for an english assignment it makes sense that you would have to do so.
